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Warning System Markklamm Avalanche


Warning System Markklamm avalanche

Avalanche warning and vibration measurement for road and railroad



The Markklamm is a known avalanche area in the region of Mittenwald (Germany). There is a high potential for risk and danger in the area. Immediate danger exists for the below running traffic links such as the federal highway and the railroad Innsbruck-Garmisch. Plans for a comprehensive avalanche control structure could so far not be realized. Therefore, an alternative solution for risk management is needed.  

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To ease the work of the avalanche commission and to better judge the local situation, an automatic weather station was built below the avalanche starting-zone. The station with its equipment fulfils all requirements of the avalanche warning service of Bavaria (snow depth measurement with SOMMER USH-8, wind measurement, temperature, aso.). Additionally geophones are installed along the avalanche region. With those, the self-starting avalanches can be monitored.



Besides the continuous collection of weather and snow parameters, the station also monitors permanently vibrations. In case of severe movements in the avalanche region, the avalanche warning service is alarmed. The basis of this warning and information system is the embedded web module. Anytime the relevant institutions can recall the data of the weather station independently. Together with the integrated surveillance camera, current monitoring of the avalanche spreading area is possible. The warning system is meant to automatically close the road gates and thereby close the dangerous traffic links.

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